Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Most Favorite Happy Accident Ever!

This is the super adorable Stella Marie! Stella is a happy accident because she is a rescue that my dad just happened to discover at a gas station in Chalmette LA one fine day. Daddy brought this small, happy, filthy, stinky mutt home and that was it. I fell in love instantly! After a good LONG bath she was perfect, probably the most perfect dog/friend anyone could ask for. God has blessed me with by far one of his greatest creations. Stella is the most loyal, loving, smart, and personality filled dog I have ever met.
Love you Bells!!!

Welcome to my Blog!

I have had a blog before but I experienced glitches and it crashed. But I'm back and ready to blog again! Thanks for stopping by hope you enjoy! I will be having a blog launch giveaway soon, so stay tuned...